Lee from Brigg England and the man at the back said everyone one attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz classsic classic so is waynes world. C G riff My dreams keep getting so strangeId like to tell you everything I see.
Ballroom Blitz 40 Years On Why The Sweet Hit Won T Go Away As Guitarist Reveals Inspiration Daily Record
Ok Alright fellas lets go Oh its been getting so hard Livin with the things you do to me aha Oh.

Sweet - the ballroom blitz. Check out Ballroom Blitz by The Sweet on Amazon Music. The Ballroom Blitz Record. And the man at the back said Everyone attack And it turned into a ballroom blitz And the girl in the corner said Boy I wanna warn ya Itll turn into a ballroom blitz Ballroom.
Boy I wanna warn ya Itll turn into a ballroom blitz Ballroom. The song reached number one in Canada number two in the UK Singles Chart and the Australian Chart and number five on the US Billboard Hot 100. View credits reviews tracks and shop for the 1973 Vinyl release of The Ballroom Blitz on Discogs.
Oh yeah it was like lightning Everybody was frightening And the music was soothing Cause they all started grooving Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Complete your The Sweet collection. Vallerius from Moscow Europe As a matter of fact playing in a good rock band is the best earthy adventure of them.
Ballroom Blitz - Sweet Intro G riff C G riff Well its been getting so hardliving with the things you do to me. 2403-AB The Ballroom Blitz Rock Roll Disgrace. And the girl in the corner that no one ignores.
The song charted at 3 in the UK and 5 in the US. Motion Device covers Sweets rock classic. Ballroom Blitz was written by Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman who wrote many glam rock hits including Sweets Blockbuster.
Discover releases reviews credits songs and more about The Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz at Discogs. Check out the tab. His eyes are as red as the sun.
SweetEssex Track A appears as The Ballroom Blitz on the sleeve as Ballroom Blitz on the centre label. Desolation Boulevard So this is basically the same thing Nicky Chinn Mike Chapman wrote out just with the chords on the whole song instead of only the first half and the churus and parts that repeat copied in the order that the song is performed. And it turned into a ballroom blitz And the girl in the corner said Boy I wanna warn ya Itll turn into a ballroom blitz Post-Chorus Ballroom blitz Ballroom blitz Ballroom blitz Ballroom.
Sweet performing The Ballroom Blitz on BBCs Top Of The Pops in 1973The song was written by Mike Chapman Nicky Chinn and produced by Phil WainmanBrian. G percussive I see a man in the back as a matter of fact. And The Sweet were the most unbelievable adventure in rock music of the 70s and beyond.
Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz Letra e música para ouvir - Are you ready Steve. Centre label matrix RCA 2403-AB io. Are you ready Steve.
Everyone attack And it turned into a ballroom blitz And the girl in the corner said. How to play Ballroom Blitz. OkayAlright fellas - lets goOh its been getting so hardLiving with the things you do to meMy dreams are getting.
Sweet performing The Ballroom Blitz on the the German TV show Sylvester-Tanzparty from the 31st December 1974This version features the original line-upB. Ballroom Blitz Sweet. Ballroom blitz Oh yeah it was like lightning Everybody was frightening And the music was soothing Cause they all started grooving Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah And the man at the back said.
The Ballroom Blitz often called Ballroom Blitz is a song by the British glam rock band The Sweet written by Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman. We have an official Ballroom Blitz tab made by UG professional guitarists. The Ballroom Blitz often called Ballroom Blitz is a song by the British glam rock band Sweet written by Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman.
In America this was the second hit for Sweet following Little Willy. The song reached number one in Canada number two in the UK Singles Chart and the Australian Chart and number five on the US Billboard Hot 100. Repress with manufacturer credit to lRCA Schallplatten GmbH.
13 year old Sara and her band bandmates Josh Andrea Alex and David cover the iconic 70s rock hit The Ballroo.
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